Thursday 7 January 2021

Hello & Welcome

 Hi, & welcome to our new challenge blog. As you can see by the blog title, we area  Christmas blog. I always seem to need more cards come Christmas time & even had to buy some this year..shhhhh don't tell anyone lol!!
Well after talking to the DT ladies on 'My Time To Craft' we decided to give it a go & run a fortnightly Christmas challenge. 
You can use anything to create with, as long as you follow the theme. Anyhoos, thats it from me today, we will be back on the 15th with a new challenge & our first theme
Until then stay safe 
Hugs Shell & the MTTCC DT xx


  1. Hi Shell, I am so excited being on the DT for this new blog for Christmas, so looking forward to the new adventure. xx

  2. Good Luck with your new challenge blog. Nice to see a new one when so many are closing. Look forward to joining in with you all. Lisa J

  3. Excitinggggg! Look forward to joining in :-) Donna
