Friday 23 April 2021

Challenge #8 Baubles

 Good morning fellow crafters, I hope you are all well & have plenty of crafting time planned for this weekend!
Before I get to our new theme I need to announce our 'snowpeople' Top we only had 4 entries this time, I think you should all have the badge. So don't forget to snag it from the
sidebar. Huge congrats xx Make sure you try & join in with us again this time!

Our theme for the next two weeks is.....


but not on the tree! We need the bauble to be kinda the main star.

Lets see what the DT have made...

These are just gorgeous, thanks ladies xx

You have until Thursday 6th May to get your entries in using the linky tool below.

Stay Safe, Hugs Shell & the MTTCC DT xx

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