Friday 3 December 2021

Challenge 24 - Use Kraft Card

 Hello and welcome to our new challenge!

Before I tell you the theme for today's challenge, let's find out the top 3 from our previous challenge 'Christmas Treats'.

Our top 3 has been chosen by Tracey - here are her choices in order of entry:

#2 - Gale K

#4 - Meg

#9 - Made by Mandy

Congratulations to you all - don't forget to take your badge from the sidebar.

Before we talk about our new challenge we're sorry to be saying goodbye to Becca from the DT - all the very best for the future.

And now back to today's challenge - our theme is:


Here's some inspiration from our fabulous Design Team:







Great inspiration everyone - thank you!

You have until Thursday 16 December at 12 noon to link up your entries.

Stay safe - Helen and the My Time to Craft Christmas Team x

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much to Tracey for choosing my card as a Top 3 entry

    Congratulations to Gale and Meg.

    Hope everyone is safe and well. Stay Happy, Healthy, crafting and creating joy.

    Love Mandy xxx
