Friday 18 February 2022

Challenge #27 Top 3 Picks Announcement

 #27 CAS style theme Christmas cards challenge at MTTCC has ended. 

The design team is overjoyed that after January switching to a month-long challenge and then switching to 2 weeks we had 12 participants!

Top 3 picks were made by DT member Granmargaret:

in random order--

#7 All is Calm by Michelle B

#10 Marie Bingaman

#2 ArtMBR

Congratulations to these 3 who can copy and past our Top 3 badge to place on their personal blogs!

And thanks so much for the other 9 participants for supporting our MTTCC challenge blog!

Check back at 12 am UK Saturday 2/19/2022 OR

6pm CST Friday 2/18/2022 for the release of #28. 

We're excited to see your creative projects with the next theme!

--Becca/temporary manager for MTTCC on behalf of owner Shell and the rest of the DT 


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card. It was made especially for your challenge. Magda

  2. So excited to be picked as one of your Top 3! I will proudly display your badge. Congrats to all!
