Friday 18 March 2022

MTTCC #30 Forest or Christmas Trees Theme Challenge

MTTCC #30 Forest or Christmas Trees Theme Christmas cards begins March 18, 2022. 
The DT has once again created some wonderful inspiration cards for both takes whether a tree in the woods or a decorated pine tree. It can be a small grove of trees or a desert palm tree draped in lights. Don't we crafters have something in our supplies that will work as your feature? Patterned paper, stamp, embellishment, etc. What inspires you when you see this theme for Christmas cards? We're looking forward to seeing what our participants make. We think they will be tree-mendous!!!

MTTCC's Design Team Inspiration cards for Challenge #30=

Becca S (card 1)

Becca S (card 2)

Wow! These are tree-rific inspiration projects from our world-wide design team!

We are hoping you will find time to craft a tree-themed Christmas card in the next 13 days. 
Use the Inlinkz address below to participate. 
Challenge #30 starts at 6am UK (or 12am CST) Friday, March 18, 2022 and will end on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 6am UK (or 12 am CST).

link to participate:

Best wishes! 

Please tell your crafting friends about our challenge. It's easier to find time to craft Christmas throughout the year than to wait to the last minute and panic.

--Becca and the MTTCC design team


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