Tuesday 19 April 2022

Challenge #31 Top 4 or is it 5 Picks Decision

Top Picks for MTTCC #31 Announcement

We apologized for the delay. Our DT is worldwide and time differences plus a holiday weekend caused this late posting. 

With 4 crafters representing 5 entries, DT member Mags B has asked that all 4 receive the "Top 3" bragging rights honor. I agree. 

In order of submission:

#1= Sparkly Pink is Ileana A.

#2 and #5 = Nicolette

#3= Elle-jeanne

#4= Margreet

Thank you so much to these crafters finding time to craft Christmas!
We appreciate your support of MTTC!
On behalf of Mags B, myself/Becca, and the rest of the crew--

Challenge #32 started April 15th and the theme is bells. We do accept other winter holidays like Hanukkah, Kwanza, and New Year's Day. The bells would really be perfect for 'ringing in the New Year', 



  1. Thanks for chooing my cards for the top 3.
    Congrats to the other winners.
    Hugs, Nicolette

  2. Wat leuk dat mijn kaart is gekozen in de top 3
    Dankjewel Dames.
    De andere dames ook gefeliciteerd.
    Groetjes Elle-jeanne

  3. Dankjewel voor de keuze van mijn kaart in de top 3
    Dankjewel Dames.
    De andere dames ook gefeliciteerd.
    Groetjes Elle-jeanne
