Friday 9 December 2022

MTTCC #48 Top 3 for Winter Clothing Theme

 Announcement! Top 3 for MTTCC's #48 Winter Clothing Theme that ended on December 8, 2022. 

It was DT member Granmargaret's turn to select the bragging rights' recognitions:

"Please say it was very hard to pick only 3 from all the lovely entries"

I have picked 3 cute cards=

No 16 Chris

No 13 Dressed up Like Santa by Yvonne

No 6 Emma M


Season's Greetings all year long!

from My Time To Craft Christmas Challenge blog's design team

NOTE: we will continue to alternate with MTTC for Friday's through the end of December and into January. If you have time to craft, please join us for creative holiday themes.