Friday 14 October 2022

MTTCC Theme #45 Theme is Color Kraft Brown and White for your Christmas cards

MTTCC #45 Theme of Kraft Brown and White Colors for Christmas

October 14-27, 2022

start and end times are the same for these 2 dates at 6am UK or 12am CT/Chicago.

(small amounts of other color(s) are acceptable)

The worldwide DT has been very ingenious with Theme #45. These are their fabulous interpretations:


Mags B

Card 1

Stencils and white pigment ink

Card 2

Turnabout stamp and embossing

Becca (card 1 with some blue and bits of pinkish burgundy along with kraft, brown, and white)

Becca (card 2 kraft browns, white, and gold)

Meena Herale 

Terrific holiday cards by the design team! 

Now it is your turn to find time to craft Christmas/winter holiday themed cards with kraft brown and white colors! You may enter up to 3 new themed Christmas/winter holiday cards per challenge. Use the provided Inlinkz tool address to submit your entries:



Season's Greetings from the MTTC design team and owner, Shell S.


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