Friday 21 October 2022

MTTCC Top 3 Picks for #44 Theme of Christmas for Kids

 Belated Announcement for Top 3 Picks

My Time To Craft Christmas theme #44 Christmas for Kids

DT member Meena was to pick last weekend and ask me to do the honors. 

Congratulations to crafters  Lois, Rosmarie, and Silke!!!

For bragging rights, copy and paste the Top 3 badge=

 a small peek at their adorable cute Christmas cards:

#10 Lois/Lorraine A

#3 Rosmarie

and #11 Silke

There were 15 wonderful entries and all are worthy to be recognized for quality craftsmanship!

We appreciate all of you supporting My Time To Craft Christmas!

Season's Greetings all year long, 

MTTCC design team

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card as a one of your Top 3! Congratulations to Lorraine and Silke! Hugs, Rosi
