Friday 23 June 2023

MTTCC #62 Top 3 Picks for 4 Entries

Announcement: MTTCC had 4 entries for the Deer/Reindeer, Elk or Moose theme #62! 

Theme #62 ended at 12:00am CT/Chicago or 6am UK times earlier today, Thursday, June 22, 2023. 

DT member Becca suggested this theme and has awarded these 3 wonderfully talented artisans:

Fabiola, Deanne, and Susan B!!!


Bragging rights:

Here are some small peeks at the deer/reindeer, elk, or moose related Christmas projects made by the Top 3 in mixed order by their submission #:

#1 Susan B= 

#3 Deanne =


#4 Deanne =

#2 Fabiola =

Thanks gals for being loyal supporting participants at My Time To Craft Christmas!


These 3 artisans found time to craft Christmas during the past 2 weeks just like the design team at MTTCC! 


new theme #63 launches at 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK on Friday June 23, 2023


DT Call

If you're interested in joining the MTTCC Design Team

send a message of interest, info if you've had previous or current DT experience, and your paper-crafting blog link to MTTCC manager/DT member Becca Sadler =



1 comment:

Fabiola said...

c'est bien dommage de n'avoir que 4 participantes mais c'est souvent ainsi en cette saison, merci tout de même pour ce top, biz