Thursday 6 July 2023

MTTCC #63 Top 3 Picks Announcement

 Announcement: MTTCC had 3 entries for the Blue and Silver color duo theme #63! 

Theme #63 ended at 12:00am CT/Chicago or 6am UK times earlier today, Thursday, July 6, 2023. 

DT member Alyson suggested this theme and has awarded these 3 wonderfully talented artisans:

Fabiola, Elaine, and Yvonne!!! Congrats! 

Bragging rights badge:

Here are some small peeks at the deer/reindeer, elk, or moose related Christmas projects made by the Top 3 in reverse order by their submission #:

#3 = Yvonne

#2 = Elaine/Ellapu

#1 = Fabiola 

Thanks gals for being loyal supporting participants at My Time To Craft Christmas!

These 3 artisans found time to craft Christmas during the past 2 weeks just like the design team at MTTCC! 


new theme #64 launches at 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK on Friday July 7, 2023


WELCOME NEW DT member Kel Acopan to the MTTCC design team. She will starting sharing her artistry with us in #64!!! YES!


DT Call

If you're interested in joining the MTTCC Design Team

send a message of interest, info if you've had previous or current DT experience, and your paper-crafting blog link to MTTCC manager/DT member Becca Sadler =


Crafting Christmas All Year Long,

My Time To Craft Christmas challenge blog design team

1 comment:

Fabiola said...

so sorry there was only 3 players this time, blessing